Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek

I've been using a lot at work to listen to music - I message back and forth with a guy that started a week after me and say - hey, check this out, and hey that song you recommended really sucks. Yeah - unfortunately we have quite incompatible tastes. Today he sent me a link to a David Bowie song, and again I asked myself why Bowie is famous.

Anyway - all the seeqpoding occasionally turns up a few good songs. And today the one I was really impressed by was by Frou Frou singer Imogen Heap. Supposedly this song was, like, on the O.C., like, OMG... it's so awesome!!!111 But since I'm still TV less and also O.C.-DVDless, I didn't have the foggiest.

If this embedding thing works as I hope you'll be able to listen to the song right here and now. Left mouse button down the playing button.

I also came across this interview with Imogen - I always love hearing about songwriter's lives and songwriting process.