Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Bob Dylan

I never really understood how people could enjoy listening to Bob Dylan. Now I don't understand why I'm starting to enjoy listening to him. I've downloaded some of his most popular songs and I'm slowly getting into it.

It took about 3 listens of the songs before I started enjoying the music... the repetativeness and length of some of the songs still annoys me a little. Maybe I'll get used to that too with time...

I like the lyrics even though I understand next to nothing. If he is trying to express confusion and strangeness, he's doing well :) if there's a deeper meaning, I'm missing out. I've tried looking up interpretations of some songs but couldn't find much. I'm still looking for a good "song meanings" site...

Maybe I'll write some more about Bob in a few months?

Joanna Newsom

She sounds like a 3-year-old! At first I thought "hmm this is strange", and I still kind of think that. But now I'm also thinking she's a lot like Bjork. Very strange at first then more enjoyable the more you listen to her.

The music is quite sparse, kind of like my favorite Bjork songs. Harp, very light arrangements. I think I'm already getting used to her voice, but it will probably take a few more listens for me to determine whether I actually like the music.

If you like Bjork, or strange folkish stuff, check her out! :)

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MP3 player

They sent me a new player back. Thank you iriver! I promise not to drop this one.