Thursday, February 10, 2005

Tegan & Sara Concert

I was at a Tegan & Sara concert yesterday night at Red's. It was really great. I was hoping for a rock-out type concert with loud music, and that's what I got. The only thing that bugged me is that it sounded like the speakers were constantly distorting the sound. My best explanation would be the sound-guy thinking "aah these kids just like it loud, anything else doesn't matter". From the Sting concert from way back I know that it is possible to have great sound even at high volumes, but maybe the equipment at Red's isn't suited for that. Anyway, for all sound guys out there - Quality over Quantity - people will love you for it!

Then, there was the opening act. Lindy. I thought that guy was simply amazing. My first response was - this is one of the best preformers I have seen in a loong time. His voice and songs reminded me of David Gray, Coldplay, maybe even a little Nirvana. A friend thinks he's a Goo Goo Dylan. Whatever he may be, I am surprised that I never heard of him before. He's even got music videos on his web site! What's up with that? They're even good. Wow. Now, listening to the music again all I can think is why weren't Tegan and Sara opening for him rather than the other way around? :P

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